Specifically, the transform produces an array of coefficients for real-valued basis functions that represent each block of data in frequency space. The cosine transform converts each block of spatial information into an efficient frequency-space representation that is better suited for compression. This process consists of dividing the luminance and chrominance information into square (typically 8 x 8) blocks and applying a two-dimensional Discrete Cosine Transform ( DCT) to each block. In the second stage, the luminance and chrominance information are each transformed from the spatial domain into the frequency domain. Thus, from a visual standpoint, it is acceptable to discard more of the color information than grayscale information, allowing for a greater compression of digital images. Color information can be dispersed across boundaries without noticeable loss of image quality. Such a distribution is desirable because grayscale information contributes more to perceptual image quality than does color information, due to the fact that the human eye uses grayscale information to detect boundaries. In the first stage, the image is converted from RGB format to a video-based encoding format in which the grayscale ( luminance) and color ( chrominance) information are separated. The primary algorithm underlying this standard is executed in several stages. The JPEG ( Joint Photographic Experts Group) image compression standard has become an important tool in the creation and manipulation of digital images. Clicking the Save button will save the image file with the specified output settings. The File Format pull-down menu allows the user to select from among the JPEG, TIF, and BMP image file format types. The Save Directory Location input field and Browse button enable the user to select a folder on a local or network drive, while the File Name input field can be used to specify the name of the image file.
This panel contains input fields that allow the user to specify the full path of the image file to save. Figure 1 illustrates the Save Image panel of the Image Processing window.
The MIC-D digital microscope software supports compression of digital images using the JPEG algorithm as an option available within the Capture, Library, and Processing interface software windows. The root-mean-square ( RMS) error in compression and the JPEG quality factor are provided in a box below the JPEG Compressed Image window. To view the differences between the compressed and original image, activate the Difference Image radio button. When the Grayscale Image checkbox is selected, a grayscale version of the image will be loaded into the tutorial and the compression algorithm will be performed on the grayscale image. By default, the tutorial performs JPEG compression on color images. The ratio of original image file size to that of the compressed file is presented directly above the slider. To operate the tutorial, select an image from the Choose A Specimen pull-down menu, and vary the image compression ratio with the Image Compression slider.

Positioned to the right of the Specimen Image window is a JPEG Compressed Image window that displays the captured image at a variety of compression levels, which are adjustable with the Image Compression slider. Visitors will note that specimens captured using the various techniques available with the MIC-D microscope behave differently during image processing in the tutorial. The following nomenclature is used: ( BF), brightfield ( DF), darkfield ( OB), oblique illumination and ( RL), reflected light. Each specimen name includes, in parentheses, an abbreviation designating the contrast mechanism employed in obtaining the image. The tutorial initializes with a randomly selected specimen image, captured in the MIC-D digital microscope, appearing in the left-hand window entitled Specimen Image.
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This interactive tutorial explores compression of digital images with the JPEG algorithm, and how the lossy storage mechanism affects file size and the final image appearance.ĪTTENTION Our servers have detected that your web browser does not have the Java Virtual Machine installed or it is not functioning properly.

The JPEG lossy image compression standard is currently in worldwide use, and is becoming a critical element in the storage of digital images captured with the optical microscope. Interactive Java Tutorial JPEG Image Compression Molecular Expressions: Science, Optics & You - Olympus MIC-D: JPEG Image Compression - Interactive Java Tutorial